5.0       Legal Implications


5.1       There are no specific legal implications


6.0       Consultation and Responses


6.1      This report has been the subject of full consultation with Directorates and is agreed by Management Board


7.0      Conclusions and Recommendations


7.1       That the Executive:

i.       notes that the information in the Q4 Performance Report is used as a performance baseline or starting point for the new council

ii.      notes that reporting from Quarter One 2023/24 onwards will provide updates on progress from this baseline; reporting by service area with key performance indicator data being used to demonstrate progress against the objectives set in the Council Plan 2023-27.

iii.     notes the draft outturn position for the eight former Council’s that now make up the new North Yorkshire Council against the 2022/23 Revenue Budget, as summarised in paragraph 2.2.1.

iv.     notes the position on the GWB (paragraph 2.5.1)

v.      notes the draft outturn position for the Housing Revenue Account (paragraph 2.3.1)

vi.     notes the latest position regarding the Local Government Review transition fund (paragraphs 2.6.1 - 2.6.2)

vii.   gives delegated authority to Corporate Director of Resources in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance to review and implement any arrangements of a one-off nature in line with the requests as set out in Appendices H-O (e.g. requests for carry-forward).

viii.  notes the performance of the Treasury Management operation during 2022/23 and the outturn position on Prudential Indicators for North Yorkshire County Council and the District Councils.

ix.     notes the roll forward adjustments to the Capital Programme detailed at 6.3 be approved.





Richard Flinton

Chief Executive

30 May 2023

Gary Fielding

Corporate Director, Strategic Resources